Happy Doctor's Day

Tue Jul 2, 2024

To all those interns seeing their peers from school get into jobs

To all those graduates sitting at home, preparing and waiting for the exam dates
To all those residents, working astronomical hours in hopes of achieving the "mastery" in their field
To all those surgeons having sleepless nights on POD-0 praying for no intra-peritoneal bleeding
To all those anaesthetists waiting for the doomsday call, ready to save the day
To all those pathologists looking for those tumour cells on the margins to inform the surgeon that their margins are clear
To all those professors hoping to find an audience to share all their wisdom and knowledge gained through experience, instead of those students who rely only on online tutorials
To all those coroners doing the dirty job nobody else is willing to do, and giving a closure to the departed's family
To all those physicians in villages who are going places where nobody else is, and treating the daily ailments of the majority of this world
To all those obstetricians and gynaecologists who have seen too much external and internal misogyny to stay silent and are always held responsible for 2 lives and a family's prestige
To all those orthopaedicians, often laughed at as not having enough medical knowledge, but whose skills are mastered over years to achieve that precision
To all those doctors who are often called thieves, privileged, rich, selfish, and inhuman, there is always a spot where, doing what's the right thing to do, comes above anything else.
Farmers and Soldiers, termed most noble and sacrificing in our world are often played by the rules made by world politics and economic policies.
But we remain as those "humans" who transcend world politics, economic policies, race, religion, caste, nationality and privilege. That's why there are "Doctors Without Borders".
We already boast our backs often internally. But let's just take this day to reflect on the greater good we represent transcending all artificial boundaries humans have created over millennia.
Happy Doctors' Day!

Dr. Akhil Kocherlakota
Dr. Akhil Kocherlakota,

 Pathology Resident, 

Kasturba Medical College, 
